Koers Next +1.29%


+0.13 (+1.29% )
Sluit: 9.87 / Min: 10,045.00 / Max: 10,210.00


Beursbox Next

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    09:46 Louis James: Thus, for now, my marching orders are: I’m willing and able to add great gold and silver stocks with compelling value propositions to my portfolio—but no compromise on my criteria. I have more confidence that gold will...
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    09:51 Louis James: So, the change in marching orders would be to add industrial or energy minerals I’m bullish on to my portfolio. Among those, I’ve long said that lithium, nickel, and many other industrial minerals would have to wait until I saw...
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    15:06 840 next station 🚉
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    09:03 Https://www.managementtoday.co.uk/agentic-ai-everything-leaders-need-know-next-big-ai-breakthrough/innovation/article/1895851
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    15:01 Serie "next" gezien voice?
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    16:41 Https://www.kitco.com/news/article/2024-11-08/gold-price-has-room-hit-8000-bull-cycle-fed-deals-next-crisis-brien-lundin Brien Lundin: Gold price has room to hit $8,000 in this bull cycle as Fed deals with next crisis Ach, iedereen roept wel...
Turbo’s zijn complexe instrumenten en brengen vanwege het hefboomeffect een hoog risico mee van snel oplopende verliezen. 7 op de 10 retailbeleggers verliest geld met de handel in turbo’s. Het is belangrijk dat u goed begrijpt hoe turbo’s werken en dat u nagaat of u zich het hoge risico op verlies kunt permitteren.